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Boot camp & HIIT fitness classes RSM
Forge Fitness OC RSM In-House Nutrition Coaching + Nutrition Programs

Correct nutrition and protein intake are critical if you're striving for a firm, sculpted, and defined body. If you're not seeing the results you deserve and haven’t heard this yet, it’s time to rethink your approach—or where you’re training! At Forge Fitness, we deliver the full package—not just a fraction—by offering FREE expert nutrition guidance alongside a tailored nutrition plan. Paired with elite training from our certified team, we empower you to achieve real, lasting transformation.

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woman in consultation with nutrition coach at Forge Fitness.jpg

We recognize that both fitness and nutrition must work in harmony for a successful outcome. At Forge, we don’t just offer a workout; we help you craft a lifestyle change. 


Making the commitment to exercise regularly is a terrific start. Whether you're just beginning or looking to elevate your fitness and haven’t yet achieved your desired goals, we can help.


A personalized nutrition and protein program is essential, not only for building your desired body shape but also for muscle repair and maintaining a lean, toned physique over time.


Our in-house nutrition coach works with you one-on-one to create a customized plan designed to deliver the results you're seeking. Sound nutritional guidance is crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving success. At Forge, we consider nutrition an integral part of a comprehensive fitness program.





Our Free Women's Better Body and Men's Peak-Performance Programs aren’t just another diet or band-aid gym challenge—those simply don’t work long-term for most people.


The Forge programs are designed  to help you lose unwanted body fat while simultaneously maintaining or increasing lean muscle mass, so you can achieve a firm, sculpted, well-balanced, and defined physique.


We help you live a healthier life without cutting out everything you enjoy or turning it into a chore. It’s about learning to enjoy the right foods that work for you. True success comes when these changes become a natural part of your lifestyle, something you actually look forward to. One thing is certain—with the improvements in your body and energy, you’ll never want to go back to your old habits!

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