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The reason we offer 14 days for $14 - we want to help you find out if Forge Fitness OC, RSM is the right fit for you before you spend your hard-earned cash. We firmly believe that our amazing community, exceptional trainers, immaculate facility, and intelligent programming will speak for themselves. We will not pressure or hound you by sending endless messages. We will not even ask you to join, we leave that completely up to you.


We have been as detailed and open as possible on this website - please take time to have a good view. 

If you have any questions just hit the chat button.


Look Forward To Meeting You Soon!


RSM - Group Fitness At It's Finest

Welcome To Rancho Santa Margaritas Newest & Best Gym

At Forge opened it's doors in late 2023 and has fast become Rancho Santa Margarita's favorite fitness facility.


We are a welcoming community with a wide range of ages and fitness levels. An environment free from intimidation, egos, posers and pretentiousness. We foster an environment that not only builds stronger and fitter bodies, but also helps build confidence and stronger minds.



The Forge program is aimed to build a athletic body - shape + strengthen + build definition - strength training builds lean muscle + cardio to increase heart and lung health. Add support and help from our nutrition coach we have all you need.


Our Guarantee 

We are so confident in how Forge works we offer a money-back guarantee. If you are not happy with your time spent at Forge we will refund your first 60 days - no questions asked.

Intelligent + Safe + Effective Training - Made To You! 

At Forge, we recognize that each individual is at a different level in their fitness journey. Being locally owned and operated facility, we have the flexibility to create a program tailored to our community and to you individually - no cookie-cutter workouts here!  


 We believe that the "go hard or go home" attitude and the notion of someone yelling at you pushing you over your limits when you are not ready, or encouraging you to lift more just for the sake of it, can just lead to breaking you. This style workout does not individualize to your fitness level, everyone is pushed at the same level. We know as we have all worked at place as this, the main problem was fatigue which lead to a very concerning injury rates. Our approach focuses on you and your individual level - we progress you at a safely an sustainable rate!


This doesn't mean you won't be challenged; you definitely will be, but it will be for your level - no breaking you!



Best workout class RSM

It's All New
Only the best equipment

This Is Where Performance Starts

We take in account everyone's capabilities, there is no cookie cutter workouts here one-size-fits-all.


The Forge program is based on the lasted  scientific movement, safety and effectiveness. We are constantly refining our program to the largest scientific proven research.


No two days will ever be the same.

We change up timing and formats to help avoid plateauing and stop boredom. This also can stimulate muscles for better growth.

Everyday brings a exciting new challenge 


Please note - below is an example of one format this will change from day-day - week-week. There will always be the demo, warm-up, activation and mobility are programed into every class. Every class includes Ab/Core work.



This gets the body up to working temperature.



A good movement and mobility warm up, to prepare muscles, joints and tendons for work ahead - helps prevents injuries, joint pain and strains.



Your trainer demonstrating in detail every movement and piece of equipment to be used.


Main workout

Strength Training + Cardio

You will get your strength on + sweat on in 50 minutes


We have an extensive arsenal of the best equipment.


Jammer Arms, Power Racks, Concept 2  Rowers, BikeErgs, SkiErgs, Rogue Air Bike, Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Olympic Barbells, Cable Machines, TRX, Wallballs, Slam Balls, Belt Squat Machines, Leg Curl Machines, Battel Ropes, Sleds and much more


Blowout Finisher

Time to finish with some fun hard-work


Time for you to have a cool down


At Forge we boast over 60 years of combined experience, including an expert nutrition coach, professional strength and powerlifting coaches, and a top U.S. endurance specialist who has ranked #1 in world events such as HYROX, Deka, and Spartan.


We possess extensive knowledge in nutrition, weight loss, corrective movement, body mechanics, hypertrophy, strength training, endurance training, and recovery, as well as heart rate zone training. Our passion is to share this knowledge to help others. Joining Forge means gaining access to more than just a gym. As a proudly locally owned and operated establishment, we offer unique benefits that most others can't.



We only do what works.  Backed by the latest exercise science.

It's A Structured Program

The Forge Body Roadmap program is meticulously planned and programmed 8 weeks in advance, this helps ensure muscle groups are worked well and not overworked, it also makes sure there is adequate time for rested and recovery. This is the reason we split train muscle groups on different days.


Rest and recovery of muscle groups is crucial; it is as important as workout time, as this is the time magic happens and strength growth occurs. Strength gains do not grow in the gym, the gym is for work, the rest is for growth.


Not only does split training and advanced body-map programming help yield desired results, it also helps prevent overexertion and body fatigue from overtraining.

 Over working the body during workouts is the third largest course leading of injury in the USA.


Forge does not perform crazy unsafe, high impact or movements that are made up more for show. Fundamental movements are back by science to be the most and safe when performed correctly.


We track all relevant weights, reps and sets and metrics. This is not only a must for progression, it is a must to know your safe starting point when loading weights.







Trainer Renee teaching - Form is everything_edited_edited_edited.jpg

We Keep You Safe

 Only The Best Certified Trainers

The Way We Train 

We have learned from experience that by keeping class sizes smaller, our team can spend the quality time needed for a successful outcome. 


Do you want to learn movement quality and body mechanics? If you want a efficient and effective workout with real results you do!  We teach correct technique and form this is crucial, not just for safety, but because it is the foundation of exercise. We teach which specific muscles need to be activated, the proper tempo, control, and the correct weight to be used.


A lack of individual, correct instruction can prolong the journey to achieving desired results. If movements are not performed correctly, this can lead to injury. Performing movements incorrectly, repetitively can lead to permanent damage. This may not become a problem when young but will  in later years.


It's all about doing our best to keep you safe and maximizing the benefits from every movement.


We take our clients safety and our work seriously.







It's real strength training + cardio. That deliver the best results.

The Perfect Fusion of
Strength + Cardio

We believe the Forge program has perfect fusion of both strength + cardio for the desired result. 
We firmly believe that progression based strength training and intense conditioning (cardio) yields powerful results.


Correctly instructed and performed strength training  changes the bodies composition, by building lean muscle mass. While intense cardiovascular training  helps contribute to cutting unwanted body mass.


We are not looking at building you into the body builder, our program is to help build a athletic toned body.


Cardio will improve your muscle endurance and heart/lung heath and capacity. While weights will increase your strength and strength endurance. In addition, as cardio pumps blood and oxygen more efficiently through the body, the muscles you work on will have a greater ability to recover and build.



Nutrition Advice, Support and Accountability

Let's keep it real in some cases exercise is not enough to reach your desired results, it depend on your body composition, your metabolic system and your genetic makeup.


We offer a program led by our highly knowledgeable, certified nutrition coach. This program provides guidance, support, and accountability for 12 weeks at only $145. If you are truly committed to making a difference, we encourage you to consider this opportunity. We believe it will equip you with skills you'll retain for a lifetime, and if followed, will significantly enhance your quality of life.


Exercise is very important, but it's only one piece of the puzzle. Nutrition plays a crucial role in overall health, well-being, and weight control for every individual. Making you poor if you make poor food choices is a huge problem.


Our certified nutrition coach helps clients achieve their health and fitness goals by providing personalized dietary guidance, educating them on proper nutrition, and offering support and accountability. They assess individual needs, develop a plan, and adjust strategies based on progress and feedback.


There are many things to take into account with a fitness regime. To grow lean muscle, you need to know what protein is required. Keeping your energy up from working out, you need to know what to eat, portion sizes, and what is in the food we are eating. Our nutrition coach can help with this.


Forge does not recommend gym diets as these can destroy the metabolic system. Additionally, 88% of people put the weight back on within 4-5 months (it is a fad). This is not sustainable. They are gimmicks to draw people in; no educated trainer or gym that knows about nutrition and the body should ever recommend these.


At Forge, we promote lifestyle habit changes over time. Yes, our program will help with weight loss, but we do not look at it this way. We aim to help create sustainable habit changes for a better, healthier, and more vibrant life over the long term


Heart Rate Monitoring



HRM training is useful for understanding your body's response to stress and load when exercising. It aids in identifying the optimal training zone, allowing for more efficient and effective workouts. Additionally, it signals when it's time to increase intensity. When used correctly it can help avoid overexerting your heart or pushing beyond healthy limits.


Challenging yourself and enhancing endurance are key to achieving fitness goals. For high-intensity workouts, we recommend using a HRM.





Body Scan

The InBody machine is a very expensive, non-invasive analysis tool that gives a breakdown of your weight in terms of body fat, muscle mass, and water weight.


Go beyond the scale with the InBody test, body composition analysis. Your comprehensive yet easy-to-understand measurements will display in 15-20 seconds, on your phone in the Inbody app. You can view your progress in seconds.


No more pinching. no more guessing. Get results you can work with, which will help understand what is going on inside you.


The Inbody is used in conjunction with the 12 Week Accelerator Starter Plan.

This plan is at an amazing price with all the extras




Classic Barbell Training

Classic Barbell Training 

For men and woman of all ages


Learn the fundamentals and key compound movements with barbells in our Barbell Strength session! This class is great for those who are looking to increase their load on key strength components or anyone who is interested in learning and developing their skills in barbell training. Barbell Strength is led by our professional strength trainers. We specialize in teaching correct technique + from - we train you the right way.


Why use a barbell? No piece of equipment in the gym comes close hands down to developing strenght and changing the bodies composition.


Note - barbell training is performed in some of the group classes. We teach you precise technique with a barbell then also.


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