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We Take This Seriously.

Forge Now - We What Works.

We have worked at a lot of different workout places and we want tover come a few of the big problmes when we dseign ForgeThe first big change we made was to split-the-difference between larger group fitness classes and one-on-one personal training by creating smaller  group training experience led by the best expert certified coaches. This allowed us to provide as much necessary attention as personal training while making it more fun and affordable.


You'll be surrounded with like-minded training partners who are there to support you, encourage you, challenge you and make you work harder than you ever would on your own. (But not so many that you’ll get lost in the shuffle).


Every training program at FORGE is designed to help you move better, get stronger, increase your work capacity and improve your body composition. These are the reasons most people train and we are remarkably diligent (some would say nerdy) in ensuring that our program delivers those results for all our clients - regardless of your current fitness level.


Forge truly is for every fitness level - we ‘meet you where you are’ and make the training appropriate for you - whether you were a high level pro athlete or are an absolute beginner. And we keep track of all relevant data (weights, paces, reps, etc.) so we can make sure that we are making real weekly progress towards your goals.


You'll utilize the most effective tools in order to drive up your strength, improve your work capacity and improve your body composition. And you'll never find yourself waiting around for this equipment so we can ensure seamless execution of our training program. We've made training affordable so you can train with proper frequency that will actually drive in results. We've baked in several layers of accountability to help ensure this won't be just another gym or training program you sign up for and never attend. We are the opposite of almost every other gym - we want you to show up and we'll do everything we can to make sure that you do.


We’ve put all these factors in place in order to solve the problems (your problems!) with fitness and training. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You no longer have to try to solve the problems on your own. We’ve solved them for you.


This is a special place. We want you to be part of it. We want to help solve your fitness problems. It’s what makes us feel good. It’s what we are here to do.


We are The Forge Fitness - We’re ready for you.


We take training seriously. We do what works.


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