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Mobility + Injury Prevention Forge Fitness OC RSM GYM

Mobility is an essential part of a well structured fitness gym workout program. Mobility is a preventive measure - It will help you avoid injury, recover more quickly from injuries.

It's not just about now, it is also about retaining good health for years to come

When was the last time you considered doing mobility work? Some people mistake yoga or stretching for mobility work, but they don't come close.


Here at Forge Fitness, we recognize the importance of internal body health as much, if not more, than external appearance. That's why Mobility is a fundamental part of our program.


Mobility work may not seem as flashy as lifting weights or using a battle rope, but one thing's for sure - it will enhance your ability to do those cool things even better, not just now but for years to come.

Forge Fitness | Fitness Classes & Group Workout | Rancho Santa Margarita
Forge Fitness | Fitness Classes & Group Workout | Rancho Santa Margarita

Mobility refers to the way your joints move inside their socket. Mobility is the ability to move your joints freely with the surrounding tissues allowing the movement to happen smoothly.


The important thing to remember is that you don't need to be a professional athlete to benefit from mobility work. Whether your goal is to get stronger, improve your posture, or feel better in general.

Mobility is especially important for everyone because it helps them maintain proper movement patterns for optimal performance in everyday life, hobbies and a given sport.


Poor mobility can lead to muscle imbalances and decreased strength output, which can contribute to injury if not addressed before they become serious issues.

Forge Fitness | Fitness Classes & Group Workout | Rancho Santa Margarita
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