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Forge Fitness OC Rancho Santa Margarita
Group Fitness Class Workouts
Cardio - Strength - Mobility
50 Minutes of Exhilarating Training
Let's quickly go over what a 50 minute Focused Strength session will look like.
"We prioritize your safety - we keep our class sizes small, with 14 participants, and have two trainers per class. This is crucial when performing real strength work, as every movement must be performed correctly, and we ensure that."
This serves as a guide to help you understand the Forge format. Keep in mind that each day will have a different focus, and the fomat will change. No day will ever be the same - everyday brings a complete new challenge.
The Forge program is meticulously planned and programed 8-weeks in advance, every muscle is touched and worked at the correct time, with recovery time built in.
We ensure a well-balanced program. Knowing individually what your people need and then strategic planning is crucial for achieving optimal results. The reason we build working blocks into sessions, is so we can keep track of the programing and your performance in each block.
Start of the 50 minute session
Block 1
Every session starts with a good warm-on a low impact machine - Concept2 Rower, Skierg, BikeErg or Rogue Air Bike, this gets the body up to working temperature.
Now warmed-up - we turn our attention to a very important part - preparing muscles, tissue, tendons and joints ready for the work ahead. We focus around the body parts that are to be worked in this session.
A proper warm-up helps to avoid injuries and promotes the flow of fluid around joints, enhancing lubrication and freedom of movement. It further improves the elasticity of muscles, tendons, and ligaments, aiding in the safe improvement of the range of motion.
Block 2 - Trainer Orientation
Every session your trainer will always provide a detailed orientation. Every piece of equipment will be explained, demonstrating how to use it, and every movement will be shown and explained.
Explaining the profound significance of the mind-to-muscle connection is crucial. With each movement, we emphasize the specific muscles being activated. This approach ensures that you are informed about which muscle or muscles are engaged, fostering a clear understanding of the mind-to-muscle connection for each movement.
A lack of clarity regarding the muscles involved in each movement can result in dismal short-term outcomes, significantly prolonging the journey to achieving desired results.
Section Title
Block 3 - Focus
Focused Strength Day block - other days we have a different focus in this part of the block.
All movements are functional and mimic movements made in daily life. They are all proven by science to be safe and the most beneficial.
We are meticulous at tracking and noting weight, reps and sets. The combination of tracking and progression is essential to avoid plateauing. Forge is the only group class we know that goes to this amount of detail.
Block 4 - Baseline
Strength Day block - other days we have a different focus in this part of the block.
We will use auxiliary strength training blocks to ensure a balanced session with comprehensive movement patterns, ample variety and appropriate training volume. This part of the session is faster paced, to fire the metabolic system up.
Block 5 - Ab + Core
We never program a session without incorporating Ab and Core work.
The core and abs serve as the strength foundation for the body's structure, being the few muscles that can be worked daily, we make sure these receive a significant amount of attention.
In addition, we frequently include mobility work to enhance our range of motion. This practice contributes to keeps our joints in good condition and helps prevent injuries.
Block 6
We've never planned a session without incorporating a cardio block.
We firmly believe that this intense conditioning (cardio) not only yields powerful effects on our cardiovascular fitness and also significantly contributes to mental well-being and willpower.